

  1. Find 3 things about a different culture that you didn’t know before

1. The visited Milan, make sure that your smile all the time. This Italian city has banned pouting. It is a legal requirement, even at the time of funerals, or in patient visits in the hospital, and trying to bypass this law may be imposed upon a fine.

2. While traveling to Singapore, remember to leave gum at home. The capital city of Singapore has banned the import of chewing gum. Under these laws are not allowed to sell or buy chewing gum inside the city, but has a breaking them could face a fine of $ 500.

3. In the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, driving a dirty car is against the law. If a car is not clean; you could face a fine of 2000 rubles, the equivalent of
US $ 30.

2-What are some problems with ethnocentrism in the UAE?

 In UAE, we have some problems with ethnocentrism for example some emirate’s don’t treat their maids fairly and they don’t give them their full rights such as making them work more than the normal hours just because they are coming from a poor country so they don’t value them and appreciate their work. Also when emirates men or women marry people from different culture and backgrounds, some of the emirate’s public look down at the children who are Emirati’s mixed blood with other blood because they don’t respect people who are half emirate. They see them as outsiders and they think those children who are born with mixed Emirati’s culture with a foreign culture will bring bad impact in the emirate culture. In addition people believe those mixed blood people will not be able to represent the Emirat’s  culture in a good way.

3-How could these problems be overcome?

 To solve the problem people should respect others culture and try to educate them by communicating and understanding. The country should put rules to stop ethnocentrism.


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