Germany country



Our Website about Germany country

Group member’s:

Reem Abdulla Musallam Abdulla Alqubaisi(H00293425)
Musabbah Obaid Sulaiman Almishani(H00247710)
Zinab Rajab Mohamed Al Hammadi(H00255019)
Sara Ali Husain Mohamed Al Aqeel(H00256428)
Sara Wajdi Ali Abdulla Aqab(H00226788)




  1. Find 3 things about a different culture that you didn’t know before

1. The visited Milan, make sure that your smile all the time. This Italian city has banned pouting. It is a legal requirement, even at the time of funerals, or in patient visits in the hospital, and trying to bypass this law may be imposed upon a fine.

2. While traveling to Singapore, remember to leave gum at home. The capital city of Singapore has banned the import of chewing gum. Under these laws are not allowed to sell or buy chewing gum inside the city, but has a breaking them could face a fine of $ 500.

3. In the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, driving a dirty car is against the law. If a car is not clean; you could face a fine of 2000 rubles, the equivalent of
US $ 30.

2-What are some problems with ethnocentrism in the UAE?

 In UAE, we have some problems with ethnocentrism for example some emirate’s don’t treat their maids fairly and they don’t give them their full rights such as making them work more than the normal hours just because they are coming from a poor country so they don’t value them and appreciate their work. Also when emirates men or women marry people from different culture and backgrounds, some of the emirate’s public look down at the children who are Emirati’s mixed blood with other blood because they don’t respect people who are half emirate. They see them as outsiders and they think those children who are born with mixed Emirati’s culture with a foreign culture will bring bad impact in the emirate culture. In addition people believe those mixed blood people will not be able to represent the Emirat’s  culture in a good way.

3-How could these problems be overcome?

 To solve the problem people should respect others culture and try to educate them by communicating and understanding. The country should put rules to stop ethnocentrism.


Three Colours Stories


Three Colours Storiesalieve-eat-soup

1.Alvie Eats Soup Story

Honor / Shame societies are most Three Colors Worldview applies in this story. For example, Alvie didn’t eat any things just soup, so his family felt shame. Also, Alive family’s think about Alive when he will marry, they will prepare only soup for invited, so they felt shame from her son. In additionally, alive father’s felt shame from his mother. For example, when alive family’s and her grandmother went to the restaurant to eat dinner, Alive father’s was a surprise his mother didn’t eat any things just pie.

2.Robot Racers Story

Guilt/Innocence is most Three Colors Worldview applies in this storyrobot-racers because Tanktop cheats Squeaky.  For example, Tanktop gives Tina Turbo a puncture. Then, Tanktop stoles Cyber Sid’s memory chip. Next that, he undid Andi Droid’s battery pack. Finally, He resets Betty  Byte’s built- in alarm clock. Moreover, in the race TankTop threw nails and oil to stop other racers. At the end of stories, Squeaky was the winner that indicates cheating and hurting people couldn’t lead to successful.

3.The Gruffalo Storythe-gruffalo

Power/Fear is most Three Colors Worldview applies in this story because the mouse was very arrogant. For instance, He used his relationship with the Gruffalo to fear the fox and the snake. He describes the Gruffalo as prey animal has a terrible tusks, terrible claws, terrible teeth, orange eyes, black tongue and purple prickles that the mouse wants the fox and the snake feels scared. The mouse used his power to effect on the snake and the fox.

Three colors world view

Three-different-colors-of-roses_1920x1200 (1).jpg

         My was : Honor/shame: 14

         Guilt/innocence: 10

        Power/fear: 6

       There are 6 views refers to my personality interpretation of reality,or basic view of          life:

  1. Emphasize how committing to your decision will help enhance and maintain yours and their honor
  2. Don’t blame the individual in public even when it is his/her fault
  3. Historical events are important to consider the development of today’s relationships
  4. Might make standards and policies subservient if they do not serve the relationship
  5. Loyalty and commitment are based on long-term nurtured relationships
  6.  Try to engage one-on-one before meeting in larger groups

Hofstadter’s Six Dimensions

Hofstadter’s Six Dimensions


Greet Hofstadter who makes inquiries how people from different countries and cultures relate created on six different types of cultural dimensions. There are:

1-Power distance (PDI): This dimension returns the imports of power inequality and authority relations in society. It powers hierarchy and requirement relationships in the family and organizational contexts. For example, In China people have highest power distance but, in Australia people less power distance.

2- Individualism and collectivism (IDV): Defines the relationships individuals have in each culture. In individualistic societies, individuals look after themselves and their immediate family only but in collectivism cultures, individuals belong to groups that look after them in conversation for faithfulness. For instance, In Canada people prefer live in individual more than in collectivism but, in Russia prefer to live in collectivism more than in individual.

3- Uncertainty avoidance (UAI): It shows to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations. Unstructured conditions are unique, unknown, surprising and different from usual.For example, United States has approximately 62% but, Guatemala has around 37%.

4- Masculinity vs. femininity (MAS):.In some society women’s values differ less among societies than men’s values. In the masculine countries they are more emphatic and more competitive, then but not as much as the men, so that these countries show a gap between men’s values and women’s values. Like in Chinese society has 33% Masculinity but in Russia has highest Masculinity around 95%

5- Long term orientation vs. short term orientation ( LTO): Some countries have Long- term oriented societies stand-in reasonable benefits oriented towards future rewards, in certain saving, persistence, and conform to altering circumstances .But others countries have Short-term oriented societies foster virtues related to the past and present such as national pride, respect for tradition, and fulfilling social duties. For one thing, In South Korea everybody Favor long- term orientation more than short term orientation

6- Indulgence vs. restraint (IND): The behavior or attitude of people who allow them to do what they want or who allow other people to do what they want. Specifically in United States and Canada they want to do what they want to do.


Something that represent me

Something that represent me

1-Team and family activities preferred

I prefer to work with team work in the project because we share information together, and we dived the works for each members than the work become essayer.Also,I encourage the family to gather one day for a weekend to share in some activities like playing with kids,eating dinner or launch,make small barbecue at home and go to trip.

2-Strong sense of respect

Respect is always a good thing to have a good sense of self -respect because if don’t have it,the world will all over you.However,we should make sure that we are not confusing self-respect with arrogance.

3-Strong sense of family

I believe that strong sense of household for is imperative to me because it is about the built  strong relationship between family members. Moreover,it is great feelings when I take care my parents,husband and kids. Also, it is a part of my culture to take care our families.



High & Low Context Cultures

 High & Low Context Cultures 


  1. Strong sense of insiders and outsiders H
  2. Specific information exists L
  3. Informal L
  4. Team and family activities preferred H
  5. Focus on results L
  6. Transparency expected L
  7. A lot of confidential information H
  8. Rules and regulations are easily accessible L
  9. Close personal relationships H
  10. General information H
  11. Elders/authoritative figures in control H
  12. “Have a go at it” philosophy L
  13. Individual responsibility L
  14. Concerned about ‘losing’ face. H
  15. Expertise valued L
  16. Who you know is important H    
  17. Focus on task H
  18. Emphasis on words and text L
  19. Strong sense of family H  
  20. What you know is important H
  21. Gender roles clearly defined H
  22. Polite people admired H
  23. Reserved H
  24. Individual freedom valued L
  25. Strong sense of honor H
  26. Short term relationships L
  27. Process more important than product H
  28. Privacy (even when dealing with one’s own family) highly valued H
  29. Public admission of wrongdoing expected. H
  30. Strong sense of respect H
  31. Better response to visual information H
  32. Gender roles less fixed   L
  33. No direct eye contact H
  34. Strong sense of fairness L
  35. Verbal agreements H
  36. Values logic over feeling L
  37. Very rare marriage with outsiders H
  38. Clear division of responsibilities at work L
  39. Written contracts L
  40. Public criticism insulting H